Can I Get 100 Percent Scholarship to Study Abroad?

 Can I Get 100 Percent Scholarship to Study Abroad?

Can I Get 100 Percent Scholarship to Study Abroad? Get the answer and discover full funding opportunities, application tips, and secure financial support.

Obtaining a 100 percent scholarship can transform the intrepid pursuit of studying abroad into a tangible achievement.

In this blog, we will focus on assisting in the acquisition of a full scholarship for overseas study, which will explain the critical elements that can substantially affect your prospects.

Join us on this intellectual exploration as we reveal the potentialities of securing a full scholarship for your international education, whether you are an aspiring student or a parent in search of information.

Can I Get 100 Percent Scholarship to Study Abroad?

Various universities across the globe provide 100 percent scholarships according to the student’s academic history.

The main aim of these scholarships is to remove any need for additional financial aid and make the college experience of students almost free of cost.

You can get these scholarships if you meet the requirements specified by their standards.

Types of Scholarships

1. Full-Ride Scholarship


This scholarship is awarded in recognition of a student’s exceptional academic performance.

Typically, academic excellence is assessed using metrics such as a student’s CGPA or GPA, ACT or SAT scores, and so forth.

Extracurricular pursuits such as team leadership, professional experience, management abilities, or community engagement can sometimes add to the eligibility for a merit-based scholarship.

Financial Need-Based:

These types of scholarships are given to those who are financially weaker than others.

In this case, the financial situation of the student, particularly his family income, takes precedence over his academic record or merit standing.


Some state governments or the federal government awards these scholarships so that international students may pursue higher education abroad.

Regardless of their social class, creed, or caste affiliation. Students pursuing education at various levels are eligible to enroll.

 2. Full-Tuition Scholarship:

Full-ride scholarships, which cover expenses such as lodging, transportation, and tuition, are uncommon and awarded to a restricted number of candidates.

They are intended to provide a cost-free and enlightening college experience and are typically renewed annually.

It is essential for those evaluating scholarship opportunities to comprehend these discrepancies.

As full-ride scholarships are both limited in number and offer entire coverage, whereas full-tuition scholarships primarily address the expense of tuition.

Full-Ride VS Full-Tuition Scholarship

For those who wish to study abroad, differentiating between full-ride and full-tuition scholarships is an important ability.

Full-Ride ScholarshipFull-Tuition Scholarship
Covers the overall expenses like tuition fees, accommodation, health insurance, airfares and others.Covers only tuition fees.
Scholarship Duration is one year.Include the complete duration of the course.
According to Raptor 2021, only 0.1% of the students got this scholarship.According to the Think Impact, 2020, 1.5% of the students got this scholarship.
Relatively greater costs.Relatively lower costs.

5 Tips to Get a Full-Ride Scholarship

1. Where To Search

Before fulfilling any other prerequisites, this is the initial and critical stage in the process of pursuing an education abroad.

Without knowing where to look for this information, nothing will be effective.

Investigating the locations on the official websites of the respective universities is the most effective method.

The website contains comprehensive details on scholarship programs, including their eligibility requirements and application procedures.

2. Where To Apply

Many people are confused about which university they should submit their applications to or how many universities they should select.

Create a thorough list of all universities and eligible scholarships to ensure its efficacy.

Make every effort not to overlook any university whose requirements correspond to your eligibility. Appy to all the university. this is a good practice.

3. Differentiate yourself from the rest Always

As previously stated, a mere 0.1% of applicants are awarded full-ride scholarships, while 1.5% are chosen.

Presumably, therefore, an immense amount of competition will ensue.

You must therefore demonstrate your extracurricular activities and abilities to distinguish yourself from the competition.

 4. Double Check All the Paperwork

Before submitting your application, ensure that you have satisfactorily addressed each component and meet all eligibility requirements.

Improperly completed applications often result in the exclusion of a considerable number of pupils.

 5. Apply Early

Submitting your application early doesn’t grant any preference, as human evaluators, who also juggle various responsibilities, review these applications.

As the application deadline approaches, evaluators may face an influx of submissions, potentially resulting in a more cursory review of some applications.

 Wrapping Up – Can I Get 100 Percent Scholarship to Study Abroad?

Pursuing an education overseas entails more than just gaining knowledge; it also means taking on the thrill of boundless opportunities.

However, before starting the journey questions like “Can I Get 100 Percent Scholarship to Study Abroad?” strike your mind quite naturally.

Nevertheless, if you begin on this journey with assurance and eager expectation, may your endeavors be rewarded with success.

To learn more about these scholarship programs you can join Bangladesh Education Expo 2024 at the BICC on February 25-26, 2024.

Registration is now open. Register Now!

Wishing you the very best as you set forth on this exciting chapter of academic excellence and global exploration. Cheers to your bright future!

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Global EdExpo 2024, hosted by Inpace, we proudly represent a legacy of excellence in marketing and event management since 1998. This event, spanning two days, will host over 350 universities from around the world, ready to guide and offer valuable visa processing advice. Anticipated to generate over 5 million social media impressions and attract more than 25,000 attendees, the expo will be covered extensively by over 50 local and foreign news outlets.